Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fossil Creek

Fossil Creek

Fossil Creek and Fossil Springs are little-known wonders of the "rim country" of central Arizona. As this scenic canyon approaches the base of the Mogollon Rim, it suddenly transforms from a rather typical high desert canyon to an amazing water wonderland.

Our original trip was planned for Havasu Falls but two days before we
were to leave they closed the campsites due to flash flooding.

This is my crazy husband jumping into the water. This was a regular
activity for him throughout the trip.
The weather was beautiful and the water was nice and cool. The first night we all had a rough night sleep due to a unusually cold evening.

Hard to believe we can be in the middle of the desert and a little over a
hour drive be surrounds by these amazing waterfalls.

I don't know what my backpack weighed but Mikes was 45 pounds going in and about 55 hiking out because he took a lot of my stuff. (wasn't that sweet?)

This was most of the group, Jeneen & Travis, Candace & Jason.

Very early morning cleaning out my hot chocolate cup.

The hike to our campsite was 4 miles downhill. Funny how you forget this until you are hiking the 4 miles out!!! It was a rough, steep climb out and not a whole lot of fun. However since the rest of the trip was amazing you have to take the good with the bad.

On day two we set out early in the morning to hike to varies water spots and ended up covering 7 miles that day most of which was not on a designated trail.

I didn't know that repelling was going to be part of the trip so when we got to a place where a rope was dangling over a wall of rocks I about had a heart attack!

To bring all the water we would need for the weekend would make our backpacks too heavy so bought a water filter so we could use the creek water.

We had been planning this trip for months, spent hundreds of dollar and had a wonderful time!

We are ready to do it again!

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